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Sign up for the Daily Spokane give-back program
Daily Spokane is a daily 5-minute newsletter highlighting local news in Spokane. Our mission is to make local news more accessible and highlight extraordinary people in our community. Thousands of Washingtonians start their mornings with Daily Spokane.
If you're here, you've likely been nominated by someone in the community to join our community give-back program. Every year, we donate 10% of our advertising profits to local organizations in Spokane supporting critical initiatives like education.
Who gets the donations? It's up to our subscribers. Every Daily Spokane subscriber gets one vote each day. The organizations with the most votes by the end of each year receive the donation. It's free for organizations to enter, and for subscribers to vote.
After you complete this sign up form, we'll review it internally. If all looks good, you will be granted approval into the program within a few business days.
Our mission is to make local news more accessible and highlight extraordinary people in our community.
We help people in Spokane save time finding the news that matters most to them: local news in Spokane, about Spokane, curated especially for you on a daily basis—all for free.
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